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Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app
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Fuodz – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Store & Parcel/Courier Delivery Mobile App with PHP Laravel Backend (Customer App + Delivery Boy App + Admin Backend)
A complete solution using flutter framework created by Google is an open-source mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications
We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating on the small things.
Fuodz uses Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. The foundation has been laided — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Fritz Logsdon (verified owner) –
As a representative of a Spanish marketing agency, I can truly say that the service is a good testing solution before the purchase. Many thanks!
Warren Shim (verified owner) –
As a representative of a Spanish marketing agency, I can truly say that the service is a good testing solution before the purchase. Many thanks!